An IBM “Machine” (hardware product) means an IBM machine, its features, conversions, upgrades, elements, or accessories, or any combination of them. It does not include, for example, software programs, whether pre-loaded, installed subsequently, or otherwise. The three-digit number assigned to the Machine. The model differentiates functional or specification levels within the Machine Type (example AG1). This includes the IBM Brand name, and is often distinguished by a Machine Type number. The four-digit number assigned to the Machine (example 9483).
The Warranty Period, (i.e., three months, one year, etc.) which is the duration of the warranty, starts on the machine’s Date of Installation. The date on your sales receipt is the Date of Installation unless IBM or your reseller informs you otherwise.
You are responsible for downloading and installing designated Machine Code (microcode, basic input/output system code called “BIOS”, utility programs, device drivers, and diagnostics) delivered with an IBM Machine, and other software updates from an IBM Internet Web site or from other electronic media, and following the instructions that IBM provides.
If your problem can be resolved with a Customer Replaceable Unit (“CRU”) (e.g., keyboard, mouse, speaker, memory, hard disk drive), IBM will ship the CRU to you for you to install.